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Rights and Responsibilities

Student rights and responsibilities

Students have rights and responsibilities governed by State and Federal legislation.

Student Rights

All Students have the right to:

  • Be treated fairly and with respect by all Ironwood Institute employees and other Students;
  • Not be harassed, victimised or discriminated against on any basis;
  • Learn in a supportive environment which is free from harassment, discrimination and victimization;
  • Learn in a healthy and safe environment where the risks to personal health and safety are managed and minimized;
  • Have their personal details and records kept private and secure according to Ironwood ’s privacy policy;
  • Access any information Ironwood holds about them, including their records free of charge (provided that their relevant tuition fees for the records they wish to access have been paid);
  • Have their complaints dealt with fairly, promptly, confidentially and without retribution;
  • Make appeals about procedural and assessment decisions; all Ironwood internal complaints and appeals processing is free of charge;
  • Receive training, assessment and support services that meet their individual needs;
  • Be given clear and accurate information about their course, training and assessment arrangements and their progress;
  • Access the support they may need to effectively participate in their training program;
  • Provide feedback to Ironwood, on the client services, training, assessment and support services they received.

Student Responsibilities

All students, throughout their training and involvement with Ironwood Institute, are expected to:

  • Treat all others with fairness and respect and to not do anything that could offend, embarrass or threaten others;
  • Not harass, victimise, discriminate against or disrupt others;
  • Treat all others and their property with respect;
  • Respect the opinions and backgrounds of others;
  • Follow all policies and procedures as directed by Ironwood employees;
  • Report any perceived safety risks as they become known;
  • Not possess any articles or items that may threaten the safety of self or others during training delivery;
  • Notify Ironwood if any of their personal information or contact details change;
  • Provide relevant and accurate information to Ironwood in a timely manner;
  • Apply themselves to their course with due personal commitment and integrity;
  • Complete all assessment tasks, learning activities and assignments honestly and without plagiarism or cheating;
  • Hand in all assessment tasks, assignments and other evidence of their work on time;
  • Participate in regular contact with their Trainer and Assessor where directed;
  • Progress steadily through their course in line with their training plan;
  • Prepare appropriately for all assessment tasks, visits and training/coaching sessions;
  • Notify Ironwood if any difficulties arise as part of their involvement in the program;
  • Notify Ironwood if they are unable to attend a workplace visit or training/coaching session for any reason at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to commencement of the activity;
  • Refrain from smoking at training venues and on the premises of Ironwood;
  • Make agreed payments for their training within agreed timeframes.

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