Student Support Services

Ironwood Institute is committed to ensuring all students have ongoing access to resources and support services that will best equip them for success during their studies. These services are explained during the Orientation session.

Student Support Services

Overseas students require specific support services as they are living and studying in an unfamiliar environment. Ironwood provides access to certain services to ensure the mental and physical wellbeing of its overseas students. Much of these support services are addressed during orientation and covers such topics as:

  • Work, health and safety issues
  • Support to assist overseas students to adjust to study and life in Australia
  • English language and study assistance programs
  • Relevant legal services
  • Personal security and safety
  • Critical incidents and how they are handled
  • Emergency and health services
  • Ironwood’s facilities and resources
  • Complaints and appeals processes
  • Requirements for course attendance and progress
  • Support to deal with personal circumstances that may be adversely affecting education in Australia
  • Opening bank accounts
  • Obtaining a Tax File Number [for employment]
  • Employment rights and conditions and how to resolve workplace issues through the Fair Work Ombudsman


An orientation session will be conducted at course commencement. Attendance at orientation is compulsory. During this session, students will be presented with information about Ironwood, the services it provides to student and provides a time to understand the specific needs of the students to help them settle into a new environment, learn and study effectively.

Academic Support

If you require academic support, you are strongly encouraged to speak with your trainer in the first instance. Your trainer is in the best position to advise you and work with you to achieve your objectives. Should additional support be required, you will be referred to the Student Support Officer or the Deputy Director.

For a comprehensive list of available support services please refer to the Appendix to the Ironwood Policy Document POL-ADM-05 Student Support Services Policy.

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