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As Ironwood is an approved deliverer of subsidised training for the State Government of South Australia, we must offer you a concession for courses if you:

  • hold a health care card
  • hold a pensioner concession card
  • hold a pensioner concession card issued by the Department of Veteran Affairs
  • are a prison inmate, a detainee, on remand, held in a South Australian institution in connection with the commission of an offence
  • are a child in a South Australian detention centre older than 16 years.

To claim a concession on your fees, you must provide a copy of your current relevant concession card and state your Centrelink customer reference number.

If you are unsure of your eligibility, contact Centrelink before your enrolment.

Many low-income earners are eligible to apply for a Low Income Earner Health Care Card, subject to an assets and means test. Students who think they may be eligible are advised to apply as soon as possible so that a HCC or temporary HCC can be used for a concession.

A Centrelink Reference Number (CRN) will be required as evidence of unemployment. ‘Unemployed’ is defined as a person who is looking for work and accessing any of the following benefits:

  • Youth Allowance
  • Newstart
  • Age Pension
  • Disability Support Pension
  • Parenting Payment (single or partnered)

Employment Services Providers are contracted by the Commonwealth Government through Workforce Australia to assist job seekers to get and keep a job.

As a job seeker, your Workforce Australia provider can help you to:

  • write a resume
  • look for work
  • prepare for interviews
  • get skills that local employers need find and keep a job.

Your residency status affects your eligibility for a concession and subsidised training funded place in a course. At the time of enrolment you must be working or residing in South Australia in addition to one of the following in order to qualify:

  • an Australian or New Zealand citizen; or
  • a permanent Australian resident; or
  • hold a state-sponsored visa on a pathway to permanent residency

If you are or have ever been under the guardianship of the Minister and aged 16 and over, your fees will be waived for courses funded through the Government of South Australia’s Subsidised Training initiative where you have met the course entry requirements. You may be required to pay for any incidentals where relevant for specialised courses.

You will need to contact the Department for Industry and Skills (DIS) to verify your Guardianship status. For information regarding this process please contact Contract Support Services on 1800 673 097.

It is your responsibility to determine if you are also eligible for other allowances. The links below will take you to appropriate information.

  • Youth Allowance is for full-time students or Australian apprentices aged 16 to 24 and people aged under 21 who are looking for full-time work or undertaking a combination of approved activities.
  • Austudy is for full-time students and Australian Apprentices aged 25 years or over.
  • Fares Allowance is for tertiary students who are living away from their permanent home to study.
  • ABSTUDY offers a range of allowances to help Indigenous students and Australian Apprentices.

Fee concessions may be available for students studying with Ironwood Institute.

In addition, you may be eligible for other allowances, please contact Centrelink for more information.

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