Last chances for students to undertake BSB51215 Diploma of Marketing

A major change is happening in the marketing study arena.  The BSB51215 Diploma of Marketing is being replaced with the BSB52415 Diploma of Marketing and Communication.

What students will notice is that the total number of units required to complete the course is changing from 8 to 17.  We know this sounds a lot but here is a breakdown of the course.

  1. Students will now need pre-requisites to undertake the Diploma.  These pre-requisites are the 5 core units from the BSB42415 Certificate IV in Marketing and Communication.  It is anticipated that students may either choose to do the entire Certificate IV or transfer to the Diploma once the core units are completed.
  2. The BSB52415 Diploma of Marketing and Communication now has 12 units instead of 8.  Of these units 3 are core units and 9 are electives.
  3. The BSB61315 Advanced Diploma of Marketing and Communication also has 12 units with 3 core and 9 electives.
  4. Courses will now be longer to incorporate these changes.  While we are still in the planning phase we anticipate that the course will be held over 15 months with students having the opportunity to undertake the just the core units of the Certificate IV in Marketing and Communications or the entire Certificate (a longer option).
  5. There will be a price differential between the old Diploma of Marketing and the new Diploma of Marketing and Communications due to the increase length in the course.

So here’s the important news
Our last intake for the old Diploma will be on Monday 5th September 2016 with all students having to complete their studies by the 30th June 2017.  In order to give all students the opportunity to start we have decided to carry on our special pricing of $4,990 (plus $250 administration fee).

All students interested in doing the Diploma straight away please note the changes and the options as given above.  For more details contact Victoria on

What’s the good news?
While the new Diploma is longer is does have a number of fantastic opportunities to learn about the new developments in marketing in the digital age giving students a greater depth to their understanding of modern marketing techniques.

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